The Board of Directors of OVS S.p.A. approved the results for the first semester 2015

In 1H15, OVS generated excellent operating and financial results.

  • Net sales increased 7.1% to €611.1 million. Sales increase was driven by 1.6% positive like-for-like and 5.5% from new store openings with the expansion of both the direct sales network (17 new full-format OVS DOS) and of the franchising network (mostly “kids”).  
  • EBITDA was €67.7m, €11.5m and +20.4% higher than in 1H14, with profitability increasing to 11.1% of net sales (+120 bps).
  • Market share grew further to 6.7% in June 2015, up by c. 30 bps compared to December 2014, and by c. 20 bps compared to the most recent figure reported in 1Q15.  
  • Profit before tax, at €33.2 million, was up by €35.2 million compared with the first half of 2014, and the net result was positive at €20.0 million.
  • The net financial position (€319.2 million) substantially decreased, due to the primary net proceeds of €349.1 million related to the IPO, which was completed on 2 March 2015 .

For more information:

Federico Steiner 
Barabino & Partners SpA 
Cell. +39 335.42.42.78

Investor Relations
Via Terraglio n. 17, 30174, Venezia

Last modified: 2017 - 03 - 27