Publication of the KID - “Key Information Document“ relating to the option rights - ISIN code IT0005433260

Venice-Mestre, 9 July 2021 - OVS S.p.A. (the “Company“) announces that today the Key Information Document (KID) (in Italian) relating to the option rights with ISIN code IT0005433260, drafted in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 1286/2014 and the relevant implementing regulation, has been published on the Company’s website at, Section “investor-relations/aumento-di-capitale”.
It should be noted that the Share Capital Increase will take place by means of the issuance of maximum no. 63,923,470 OVS ordinary shares, without par value, with regular entitlement (the “New Shares”), to be offered on a pre-emptive basis to the shareholders at a ratio of no. 13 New Shares for every no. 46 OVS share held (the “Option Rights”), at a subscription price of EUR 1.25 per New Share, to be allocated as to EUR 1.00 to share capital and as to EUR 0.25 to share premium.
The calendar of the Offer provides that the Option Rights valid for the subscription of the New Shares may be exercised, subject to forfeiture, from 12 July 2021 to 26 July 2021, first and last day included (the “Option Period”) and may also be traded on the MTA from 12 July 2021 to 20 July 2021, first and last day included.
The Option Rights not exercised by the end of the Option Period will be offered on the MTA within the month following the end of the Option Period, for at least two trading days, unless they have already been fully sold, pursuant to Article 2441, paragraph 3, of the Italian Civil Code. The commencement and end dates of the offer period on the MTA will be communicated to the public through specific notice.

Friday, July 9, 2021 - 19:17
Last modified: 2021 - 07 - 09