Over 8,000 people, distributed between headquarters, shops and foreign operating divisions. Everyone within the Group has the opportunity to express his opinion, talent and one's potential, also thanks to a rich training offer and engagement policies that allow the valorisation of soft and hard skills without discrimination.
Over the last few years, OVS employees have attended training courses on sustainable innovation.
In 2021, over 100 colleagues from the Product Departments were trained about human rights in the supply chain. In November 2021, we raised awareness among over 100 colleagues (Product Manager, Sourcing Manager etc.) on supply chain and labor law in international supply chains to create awareness of the conditions and challenges of countries where OVS produces.
We unreservedly acknowledge the worth of daily work through various elements, including the recognition of fair pay and welfare and health plans both as a value and as income support for inclusive economic growth.
The company’s gender-pay gap, although limited, is the result of a national cultural context that has undergone substantial changes over the years.
Since 1972 OVS has included in its corporate policies numerous initiatives aimed at enhancing the value placed on people and over the years these have made it possible to gradually eliminate pay differences.
In particular for office roles, there is currently no significant gender pay difference. For store roles, the differences are gradually being eliminated, while for operational roles the Italian national collective contract (CCNL) sets the salary parameters.
Ratio annual average salary women/men (Italy Headquarter)
Role 2023 2022 Non executive management 1.01 0.99 Middle management 0.99 0.99 Professional 0.96 0.96 Store manager 0.95 0.90 Other 0.97 0.97 -
Ratio annual average salary women/men among store managers
Seniority in years 2023 2022 < 5 1.06 1.02 5 - 10 0.95 0.94 10+ 0.86 0.79
OVS adopts the national collective contract for organised modern distribution (“CCNL DMO”) signed by the trade association, Federdistribuzione, with the main trade unions, which is available here.
OVS has also signed supplementary healthcare and complementary company-level agreements (“CIA”) aimed at strengthening its employees’ exercise of their trade union rights and improving their working conditions.
Since 2022 OVS has applied new working hours in its stores with the aim of improving employees’ work-life balance given the broad work schedules available.
Through the relevant collective contract (CCNL DMO), each employee has the option of joining a sectoral pension fund, which, if activated by paying in severance pay (“TFR”), provides for the company to supplement part of the employee's contribution with an additional percentage at its own expense.