OVS group


In 2023 the OVS Group, which has been listed on Euronext Milan since 2015, recorded sales of 1,536 million Euro and EBITDA of 182 million Euro. With a network of over 2,200 stores in Italy and abroad, most of which under the OVS and Upim names, the Group offers a wide range of own brands including PIOMBO, OVS Kids, Blukids, Stefanel, Les Copains, and CROFF.

OVS operates with a business model typical of vertically integrated retailers, using a highly specialised sourcing structure which has its own offices and over 300 staff in the key geographical areas for textile production.

€ 1,536 M

Net sales FY2023

€ 182 M


> 2,200

Negozi in Italia e nel mondo

> 8,000

Employees worldwide


Product development is entrusted to a team of product managers, designers and merchandisers, which, with the support of the sourcing area, designs, develops and realises the merchandise mix at external suppliers, under the artistic lead of the creative director and the organisational lead of the product managers for the various product categories. Through its overseas offices the Group continuously monitors the risk level of its suppliers in relation to environmental and social issues, regularly conducting deep-dive audits. Considered among the most advanced players in its industry as regards sustainability, for three years running, from 2021 to 2023, it earned first place in the Fashion Transparency Index by Fashion Revolution.

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In recent years, the Group has made significant investments in the digital transformation which have contributed to the company’s growth and competitiveness, with strategic initiatives regarding omni-channel retailing and digitalisation of the whole value chain, contributing to growth and competitiveness and improving the shopping experience. The innovative projects include modern sale systems with new functions to improve the conversion rate, “broadened availability” which makes in-store products also available through e-commerce, continuous replenishment planning (CRP), and new logistical automation systems which enable optimised distribution of goods by individual store. The enablers for these initiatives are cloud infrastructures, data lakes and microservices architectures which are part of the company’s new technological foundations.


As part of the Group’s investment plan an important investment project is underway in Puglia with the goal of creating a technological innovation hub for R&D projects for the digital transformation, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and a multifunction centre (35,000 sq.m.) to handle and reuse clothing with a view to the circular economy. The initiative, which is realised through the Plan Agreement of the Puglia Region targeted at large companies, takes place over three years and envisages a total investment of € 33 million and the recruitment of 125 people including both graduates with digital skills and specialists who will be deployed in renewing the garments and in the activities linked to the multifunction centre.
Thanks to the continuous growth and attractiveness of its product offer, the OVS Group with its brands is an excellent investment opportunity for commercial partners operating in franchising in Italy and abroad.


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