The OVS S.p.A. By-Laws form the document which establishes the administration and control model adopted by OVS S.p.A., the essential guidelines for the composition of the corporate bodies, and the division of the respective functions.
Document archiveBylaws Marked Up versionBy-lawsBy-laws amendedBay-lawsBy-laws amendedBy-lawsBy-laws amendedBy-laws - share capital increaseBy-laws amended - share capital increaseAdempimenti informativi - Disclocure requirements (Diff. 2:58PM)By-lawsBy-laws amendedBy-lawsBy-laws amendedMinutes of the BOD (ITA)By-lawsBy-laws amendedDisclosure requirements (Pub. 5:49PM)By-lawsBy-laws amendedBy-lawsBy-laws amendedBy-lawsBy-laws amendedBy-lawsBy-laws amendedOVS by-lawsOVS by-laws amended