OVS was incorporated on 14 May 2014 with share capital of €10,000. The Transferral of the OVS-Upim Business Unit by the then sole shareholder Gruppo Coin, which took effect as of 31 July 2014, entailed a share capital increase from €10,000 to €140,000,000, with a premium of €249,885,000.
On 24 February 2015, the global offer for subscription and sale of ordinary shares of OVS S.p.A., with the aim of listing this company on the MTA, was successfully completed. The subscription operation entailed a further capital increase of €87,000,000, increasing the share capital from €140,000,000 to €227,000,000, divided into 227,000,000 ordinary shares with no par value.
The paid capital increase, in tranches, completed in July 2021, entailed an increase in the share capital of €63,923,470, from €227,000,000 to €290,923,470, divided into 290,923,470 ordinary shares with no par value.
Following the cancellation of 29,092,347 treasury shares carried out in execution of the resolution of the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of 19 February 2025, the share capital, amounting to Euro 290,923,470, is now divided into 261,831,123 shares with no par value.
Last update: 20 February 2025