E-mail alert notification

Pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) No 2016/679

a) Who We Are: OVS S.p.A., with registered office and administrative office located at Via Terraglio 17, Mestre (Province of Venice), (hereinafter referred to as “OVS”), is the Data Controller, i.e. the company that collects and processes the personal data provided by enrolling in the E-MAIL ALERT and that, pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”), is hereby providing you with the following information.

b) Purposes for which we collect data: the data that you provide by enrolling in the E-MAIL ALERT will be used for the following purposes:
To contact you via email to send information on financial events and documents published by OVS on the website www.ovscorporate.it (hereinafter “the Website”), specifically for the categories selected by you in the enrolment form between (i) “Financial communications and financial statements” and/or (ii) “Institutional press releases” and/or (iii) “Presentation and Events” and/or communications regarding surveys relating to corporate issues, whose information will be collected in a completely anonymous and aggregated form.

c) The provision of your data and the consequences of any incompleteness: You are absolutely free to choose whether or not to provide us with your data, but if you do provide it to us, we ask you to complete this form by providing us with your e-mail address, which is necessary for enrolling in the E-MAIL ALERT; in the absence of its provision, in full or in part, we will not be able to proceed with your enrolment.

d) Legal basis of processing: We will only process your data with your consent for communications concerning information about financial events and the documents referred to in point b) above published by OVS on the Website.

e)  How we process your personal data: The data will be processed in compliance with the applicable legislation and, in all cases, in a manner that ensures its security and confidentiality and that prevents its unauthorised dissemination or use, alteration or destruction. The data will be processed primarily in electronic form to send you the information indicated in point b) above.

f)  Retention period: The communicated data will be kept for the period of your enrolment in the E-MAIL ALERT or until you revoke your consent.

g) To whom we communicate the Data: the Data will not be disseminated or communicated to third parties. To enable us to operate the E-MAIL ALERT and achieve the purposes to which you have consented, the following entities may come to know your data: (i) companies that preserve and process our computer archives on our behalf; (ii) companies that send electronic mailings (limited to the e-mail address); and (iii) web providers that maintain the Website. These entities operate as external Data Processors pursuant to Article 28 of the Regulation.
Your data may be made known to employees and managers of OVS departments, especially OVS’ information technology departments.

h) The rights of the data subject, the possibility to lodge a complaint, and contact information:
In accordance with current legislation (Articles 15-22 of the Regulation), you have the right to access your data (Article 15), have it corrected or completed (Article 16), have it erased (the 'right to be forgotten', Article 17), have its processing restricted (Article 18), as well as the right to data portability (Article 20), the right to object to your data being processed for particular reasons (Article 21), and the right not to be subjected to an automated decision-making process (Article 22). We also remind you that you are always entitled to lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority (www.garanteprivacy.it). To exercise these rights, you can write by email at servizioclienti@ovs.it, use the contact form, or write to OVS S.p.A., via Terraglio 17, 30174, Mestre (Province of Venice).
You also have the right to withdraw your consent to the sending of the E-MAIL ALERT at any time. In such a case, you will no longer receive any type of electronic communication. You may withdraw your consent by clicking on the instructions in each of our e-mails.

i)  The Data Protection Officer (DPO): If you would like to contact our Data Protection Officer, you may do so by sending an email to: responsabileprotezionedati@ovs.it, or by calling 0039 (0)41 239 7500.