Il Comitato ha il compito di assistere il Consiglio di Amministrazione nelle valutazioni e nelle decisioni relative alla composizione del CdA e alla remunerazione degli amministratori e dei dirigenti con responsabilità strategiche.
Nomina e Composizione
In consideration of the Company's organizational needs, the operating methods and the size of its Board of Directors, OVS S.p.A. set up a single nomination and remuneration committee, in accordance with the recommendations of articles 4, 5 and 6 of the Corporate Governance Code.
The Committee was established on 23 July 2014 by the Company's Board of Directors, effective from the start of negotiations.
The Board of Directors on 31 May 2023 appointed the current Committee, which is made up of the following 3 non-executive Directors, the majority of whom holds the independence requirements set out in the Corporate Governance Code:
- Chiara Mio (as Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committe) *
- Carlo Achermann *
- Giovanni Tamburi **
* Non executive and holding the requirements of independence pursuant to the TUF and to the Corporate Governance Code
** Non executive
Regulation Committee updated 21 03 2023
Regulation Committee updated 31 01 2022
Regulation Committee updated 22 March 2018