Venice, September 2019. Celebrating the beauty of the individual and promoting plurality: these two key values represent the cornerstones of the OVS A/W 2019- 2020 campaign, which aims to promote self-belief and do away with labels and stereotypes.
OVS hopes to give a voice to people of all ages, from women who are proud to wear a size 42 and up, to people who have left their twenties behind them, and families that are formed and expressed in so many different ways, allowing love to reign supreme over family set-ups that might not be considered ‘traditional.’ This season's collections encapsulate a world in which simplicity is equated with harmony, beauty and unique personalities, aiming to promote a new set of values that pervade everyday life.
"Love people. Not labels.” is this season’s campaign slogan, which aims to reinforce the idea that our individual identities are fascinating in their own right, and that we are more than what we wear. We want to celebrate self-confidence and the fact that each of us is unique. OVS aims to champion diversity through its models, hoping that everyone will be able to recognise themselves in the campaign’s chosen faces.
"After a more traditional era that focused on super-models, OVS has decided to actively appreciate the plurality of life and people,” states Stefano Beraldo, CEO of OVS. “This campaign represents another step forward in the way we communicate, because fashion can fill life with a sense of individuality – allowing intersectionality to trump stereotypes. People should be viewed first and foremost as human beings, not consumers."
"So many different faces cross paths in our OVS stores, every day”, says Massimo Piombo, the brand’s creative director. “We see mothers and their children, families making a new life for themselves in Italy, fashionistas, Gen Y and young entrepreneurs. People of all ages, from all walks of life, come into our stores with various spending capacities. And they all have their own lives and stories to tell. They should not be labelled, but rather appreciated for who they are.
“We are struck by this uniqueness and would like to send a message to Italy that the new ‘normal’ is that ‘normal’ no longer exists. We hope to accept everyone in their own right. And that’s what has inspired us to create this new season. We hope to please and celebrate every single person that sets foot into OVS.
The OVS A/W 2019-2020 campaign will be launched in the press, on posters, digitally and on air on all major TV channels from Sunday 22 September.